
Monday, April 29, 2019

Women's Studies. Claiming Feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wo manpowers Studies. Claiming Feminism - Essay Example arranged and intellectual study and discussions of gender inequalities allows students to become aw be of the injustices in the world towards women and to work and make apparent motion towards changing unhealthy dynamics in any situation. Feminism Feminism is support and encouragement of women near on the basis of political, social and financial equality to men (Heywood, 34). Feminism is a belief that women and men are equal. To support this belief a movement started. In history feminism came into existence collect to inequality between the two genders. Nowadays Feminists activist work towards area like domestic violence, courageous marriage, equal pay, equal rights, sexual harassment, discrimination and reproductive. When I think of feminism premier(prenominal) thing that comes to my forefront is a woman with a broom. It is simply because a woman is associated as being a theatre wife. Her main responsibility is to look a fter the house and children. In third world countries this idea as yet prevails. A woman is still not free in her decisions about her life. What she wants is either decided by her elders or her husband. There are countries where women are not allowed to drive. They cannot travel without their male partner. History In 1800 women had very(prenominal) little control over their lives. Even the rich women had limited authority in domestic life. They had no property rights, political rights or financial independence. Higher education was not accessible to women. Lower family women worked hard alongside men. Lower class women faced same social and legal restrictions. The awakening started in the 1790 which emphasized emotion experience over a certain belief or view. It allowed women more opportunities outback(a) home. The First Wave of feminism started from early 19th century up till the year 1921. The first off ripple started in abolitionist movement. Feminism movement was aligned w ith anti salivary and anti racial discrimination movements. As the civil war ended the right to vote or suffrage was granted to creator slaves but not to women. Many women who were part of feminist movement left their coalition with anti-racism movement. In the sign stage the aim was to support a wide range of rights for women. But with time the first wave of feminism movement narrowed its focus on the goal of achieving womens right to vote. The first college that enrolled first 15 women in higher education wasOberlin Collegein Oberlin. In 1948 the feminist movement started at Seneca Falls convention. It was the first womens rights convention. It was organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, with others. It all started in June 1840 at World Anti-Slavery Convention. The Convention was held in London. The popular point of view at that time was that women are not capable of speaking in public. The case that was discussed was not slavery as planned but rather it was wh ether women are capable of leadership.. The conclusion was that women are not fit for public speaking. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were sent away from convention. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton went out angrily from the convention. There were many achievements make by First Wave Feminist. In 1954 Florence Nightingale established female nurses with the military. In 1860 Suffragists New York passed the hook up with Womens Property Act. The bill allowed women to inherit property, share custody of children and control over their wages and wills. In 1916 Margaret Sanger opened first birth control clinic in the U.S. She was giving reproductive rights to women. The clinic had all-female staff. These actions led to her arrest. In 1918 marry Love was published by Marie Stopes. Book was about womens sexual desires (Jutte, 165). The book got very noted at that time. The right to vote was

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